We woke up around 5:30a. Well, Warthog did. I slept until 6a or a little after. We were supposed to leave at 7a to slackpack a seventeen mile section. Just after I got out of bed Warthog walked in. It was a no-go for today. Wonder Woman has spent the last day and a half not feeling well. Her stomach has been acting up in an inconvenient way. Since much of today’s hike would be spent on a ridge line with little to no privacy, in case it continues to act up, we decided to stay back and let her stomach settle more. Honestly, I was a little glad for it. It means one more day for my feet and Achilles’ tendon to heal a little more.


I went back to bed and didn’t get up until close to 10a. It felt good. The rest of the day was low-key. Wonder Woman and Snow Monkey went into town to hit a couple of stores. Warthog and I lounged around the condo.


Today is my dad’s birthday. I don’t get to spend it with him in person, but thanks to technology, I can still sing “Happy Birthday” virtual face to virtual face. I still wanted to take a birthday portrait of him, I just had to be a bit creative with it. Thanks dad for being so patient. Yesterday was Jan’s birthday also, my stepmom (I knew she wouldn’t enjoy a portrait, so I only subjected my dad to one). Both of their birthdays are stacked one in front of the other (hers first) and then their anniversary is the day after. It’s a big week for them. I’m sad to miss celebrating in person, but I know they understand. Happy birthdays and anniversary dad and Jan!