Yesterday Kirby texted us to tell the group about a flash flood warning for the trail. As far as I know, there were no flash floods. I’m glad, because even though Warthog and I were safe in the hotel, our friends were out there. I’m sure it was muddy though, because today there was still a lot of water on the trail. In fact, many of the springs and streams were overflowing and the water was really rushing.


Today’s miles were not near as bad as I was expecting. I built them up way too far in my head. The most difficult part of the day was that I still wasn’t feeling 100%. I hiked the first four miles in zombie mode, just spaced out. It took until mile eight before I really started feeling normal again. My gut is still rolling, but I’m hoping tomorrow will go more smoothly. Today I had very little food in my system to fuel me. So it took awhile to get running.



We hiked about 11.9 miles in total. It was supposed to be a bit more, but all of the maps and other resources inaccurately recorded the camping spot. Luckily, we rolled into camp later in the day, so many were already set up where we needed to stop. Including Kyle, Brak, Jordan, and GQ. We are excited that we are caught back up with them.


It’s GQ’s birthday. To celebrate, he packed a single serving small box of wine. I gave him a couple of candy bars as a makeshift gift. I wish I would have known in advance, I could have gotten him something better. We all tried to start a fire for him, but it was too wet from all of the rain to be successful. Maybe tomorrow.  I did, however, convince him to allow me to take a birthday portrait.  I present to you my friend, GQ.



Well, things with my heel have gotten worse. Since the Leuko tape seems to have left a rash, I have switched to using athletic tape. Since the athletic tape doesn’t stick really well, over that I put duct tape. People commonly use duct tape on the trail. For me, apparently it’s too much. The tape trapped moisture, making the delicate rashed up skin far too wet to heal. My top layer started to pull and some pieces have even come off. It’s the first time so far that I’ve truly been worried that these heels will kick me off of the trail. GQ and Jordan are nurses. I’m glad we are camping with them tonight because GQ gave me suggestions on how to treat things without using tape. I’ll follow his instructions for the next few days until I can get into town. I’m frustrated and feel a bit defeated, but the battle isn’t over yet. I certainly won’t stop fighting my way through it.

